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Twitter’s Successor X Plans to Collect More User Data



September 3rd, 2023

~ 3 min read

Twitter’s successor X has recently announced plans to expand its data collection efforts, aiming to gather a wider range of user information. These new changes, outlined in the updated terms of service, include the collection of biometric data for identification purposes during the login process, as well as the acquisition of employment-related data to potentially facilitate job placements. Furthermore, X aims to enhance its artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities by accessing more user data for training purposes.

Biometric Data Collection for Enhanced Security and Identification

With the revised terms of service, X now explicitly states that, with user consent, it can collect and utilize biometric data for security, protection, and identification purposes. This move hints at X’s potential inclusion of biometric login options in the future. However, the extent of their plans for implementing such features remains undisclosed as of yet, according to CNBC.

Job Placement and Professional Profile Enhancement

In addition to its data collection endeavors, X is now positioning itself as a platform for job seekers and recruiters. The updated terms of service grant X the authority to collect user data relating to employment history, educational background, preferred occupations, and specific skills. Leveraging these insights, X intends to present users with relevant job opportunities and targeted advertisements. The evolution of X into a job portal has been evident since Twitter’s acquisition of Laski, a recruiting service, in May, as reported by Bloomberg.

Expanding AI Capabilities through Data Utilization

X (former Twitter) seeks to maximize its potential in AI training through the latest changes to its terms of service. The updated policy states that X may employ the collected user data, along with publicly available information, to train its machine learning and AI models. The company aims to leverage these models to enhance user experience and offer personalized services.

The strategic decision to expand its AI capabilities comes as no surprise, as Elon Musk, the mastermind behind X, had previously established a separate company called xAI for AI development. The collaboration between xAI and X was announced with the intention of synergizing their efforts in this domain.

In summary, Twitter’s successor X plans to intensify its data collection activities to enhance security, identification, job placement services, and AI training. While the extent of these developments remains to be seen, it is clear that X is positioning itself as a multifaceted platform catering to various user needs.

Section 2.1:

We may use the information we collect and publicly available information to help train our machine learning or artificial intelligence models for the purposes outlined in this policy.
